Thursday, June 29, 2017

Summer Travel Favorites

Hey all! Today I am talking about my absolute must have favorites when traveling this summer. We just recently came back from Padre Island on a family trip and there are a few items that really stuck out!  

"Summer Infant Pop-N-Sit" 
I have been looking for a new booster seat for Henry because we are venturing out more and more. We are currently using the Bumbo Multi Seat with Tray (pictured below) and have really liked it so far. The issue I have is it's kind of a pain to travel with. If we are going to my nephew's baseball games, dinner at Nana's or flying to California to visit family, it's bulky and takes up a lot of room. 

I have been wanting this booster seat from Summer Infant for a long time but to be honest, I just kept putting it off. I finally snagged one (they have been sold out everywhere!) the day before we left for our trip. It was so easy to use. We strapped it to one of the chairs at the table, but it was also super easy to un-strap and take to the beach which was my favorite part! It took 2 seconds to get him all set up and snacking so that I didn't have to worry about a wiggling 9 month old trying to get sand in his food.

"Guava Family Lotus Travel Crib"
If I had to list the top 5 things we have purchased for Henry, this would FOR SURE be in my top 3! I can't talk highly enough about this! Unfortunately, I don't any photos of him in it because, I don't dare try and sneak in and possibly disrupt a sleeping child #helltotheno! I love how light-weight (ONLY 13 lbs compared to the traditional 30 lb pack-n-play) and easy this is to set up. That is something that is VITAL for when I am with him alone during the day and need to set up camp on a wim. We keep this in the trunk of the car at ALL TIMES! As much as Henry is a great sleeper, the down side is that he can only sleep well in a crib. Car seats, strollers, swings etc are #shortnapcity. So wherever we go, this is the only place he will actually sleep a good length of time. My favorite part about this is it packs into a back pack so I can carry it no problem while also carrying the 50 other things traveling with a child comes with.

Rusoji Premium Packing Cube System

Who ever invented packing cubes is a flipping genius! I get a little high anxiety when it comes to packing (big shock, I know). I'm not exaggerating when I say that I can't sleep for days leading up to a trip because I am always thinking about not forgetting something while also not wanting to over pack. I go over and over in my mind how to be as prepared as possible while also not having to rent a u-haul every time we leave the house. I love these cubes because they keep everything super organized and grouped into each persons belongings. It comes as a 6 piece set (2 small, 2 medium, 2 large). The rule of thumb for us is if it can't all fit into one large suit case, #byefelicia. I also use them on a daily basis. I use it for my Ergo 360 Carrier to store under my stroller or in my diaper bag and also for Henry's "bedtime routine"; like I said above, dude is a little high maintenance when it comes to re-creating his bedroom environment wherever we go (good job mom #facepalm). 

Summer Infant Pop-N-Play
You may notice a trend, I am super fan girl for Summer Infant. I love all their products! Some of you have seen this on my Instagram but I LOOOOOOOVEEEE this! This would also be in my top 3 of baby products that we have purchased. Simply for the fact that we use it every single day! We use it as a play pen during the day to keep wiggle butt contained, and then also we take it everywhere! It's perfect for a day at the park, at the beach or we take it to Nana's house when all the big kids are there so Henry doesn't get wrestled over. It gives plenty of room for him to crawl around but yet still big enough for sweet auntie's to jump in and play along too! #shoutoutauntmaddy

Where to purchase

Monday, June 26, 2017

Oilogic Essential Oil Care

It seems now a day's there is a label for every type of mom. Are you a Crunchy mom? Silky mom? Attachment mom? Helicopter mom? Free-range mom? Tiger mom? (I heard this one the other day but still no idea what this one is). I don't like these labels but if I had to give myself a label i would consider myself a half crunch mixed with Type-A/ Google mom lol. I do lean towards more natural food and products for Henry (I secretly think breastmilk and coconut oil fixes 80% of everything) but he was also circumcised, vaccinated and we believe that modern medicine is vital for certain ailments. So like i said #halfcrunch.

I am relatively new to the essential oil world but have heard amazing things about them. I came across Oilogic when i was pregnant with Henry. I loved the idea of using something natural first when he wasn't feeling so great before jumping into something over the counter. Their oils are diluted properly within the blend and moisturizing carrier oils to provide a safe solution for little ones. During my research (because remember, google mom) I learned that it's important for the essential oils to be diluted with a carrier oil, as the essential oil by itself would be too powerful, which could cause a reaction on the skin.

Castor Seed Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Orange Peel Oil, Siberian Fir Needle Oil , Eucalyptus Leaf Oil, Lavandin Oil, Cypress Leaf/ Nut/ Stem, Tea Tree Leaf Oil

As some of you know, Henry had a stomach bug last week and then a few days later he caught a small head cold (on top of teething #poorkid). We used the roll-on during the day by rubbing it on the bottom of his feet, back of his neck and center of his chest and then used the vapor bath at night. We did this regimen for about 3 days and all of his symptoms were gone! What I also enjoyed was it never felt like I was giving him medicine. He thought it was so funny when the roll-on would touch the bottom of his feet; and with the vapor bath, we just poured in while he splashed around in the tub. It was a real struggle when he had the high grade fever last week to get him to take his medicine, so it was nice to get a small break from that battle.

I am really loving this so far and I can't wait to try more from their product line!

Where to purchase
 Stuffy Nose & Cough Essential Oil Roll-On
Oilogic Care Stuffy Nose & Cough Essential Oil Vapor Bath Relief

Saturday, June 17, 2017

June Favorites

Hey mamas!

I wanted to talk about some favorites our house is currently obsessing over! Henry is 9 months old and has really been taking a love to all things yummy snacks. Also with summer upon us, we have been slowly venturing out more and more. We have done 1 splash pad (HOLY FIRST TIME MOM ANXIETY) and lots of pool swimmin' at Nana's!

Neat Cheeks
I plan on doing a separate review on this a little later because it totally deserves it! I don't know about you, but trying to wipe Henrys face after any meal is always a battle. There is SO. MUCH. DRAMA! (*ahem, I wonder where he got that from? #getitfromyourmama). I came across Neat Cheeks when watching Shark Tank and fell in love with the concept! These face wipes are naturally sweetened with Stevia extract and made to taste delicious! Usually during meal clean up, Henry starts crying and screaming with his arms waving like a crazy person. But the first try and he was silent! SILENT PEOPLE!! *insert all the amen emojis* Not only was he silent but he was SMILING!  Safe to say, we are believers forever! #sold #takeallmymoney

We are absolutely LOVING this! I originally bought this because the fact that it gives Henry full UV 50+ protection makes this "does he have enough sun screen on?" mamas heart REAL happy! The second was how insanely easy it is to take on and off. None of those stupid pregnancy books prepared me for how mad little ones get trying to pull a wet bathing suit/rash guard off! #neveragain

Happy Baby Oatmeal Cereal & Puffs
At this very moment, I have a baby boy sound asleep and will continue to do so for the rest of the night. How you ask? THIS MAGIC OATMEAL CEREAL!! Now, I am not going to sit here and say that your child will sleep 100% through the night only because of this. We sleep trained Henry about 3 months ago and that had a huge impact. BUT! With that being said, after sleep training he was still waking 2-3 times in a 12 hour period. At the time it didn't bother us because it was a huge improvement from him waking ever 1-2 hours. Until we were casually talking about with our pediatrician in passing she then recommended adding this to our dinner menu. Well.... I. COULD. KISS. THE FREAKING WOMAN!! Literally the first night, he slept 9 hours straight! And has slept through the night ever since. There are a lot of oatmeal cereals on the shelf but i really love that this has probiotics to support his digestive health, is fortified with Iron & has Choline to aid his development. #winwin

Nosh Teething Wafers
My little secret weapon! If you open my diaper bag you will find about 539 of these. The reason being that this will occupy little dude at a resturant long enough for me to actually shovel some food in my mouth while it's the temperature it's intended.  Because they are rice wafers, they are really dissolvable and easy for him to handle.  I like these compared to other wafers we have tried because they don't leave that weird and sticky mess that others left behind. Like i need another mess to clean up? #nothankyou

Ella's Kitchen
If i am being real honest, what first got my attention to these pouches were how cute they were (#waytogomarketingdept)! Anyone who really knows me, it should come to no surprise that when i started introducing Henry to pouches, i bought every brand on the market because i am the most indecisive person on the planet. It's a super annoying quality i have. After the tiny human tried about 4 or 5 different brands, this was the only one he physically grabbed out of my hand and started to suck down all by himself, like he was a big kid or something. It also helped that all the ingredients are 100% organic and there is nothing extra added #mamaloves. So with that, Ella's Kitchen made it's way into "Henry's Kitchen" (see what i did there? lol)

Where to purchase
Original Neat Cheeks
SwimZip UV Protective Rash Guard Set
Happy Baby Organic Probiotic Oatmeal Cereal
Nosh Baby Teething Wafers
Ella's Kitchen

In the next coming weeks, i will be sharing more of my current favorites. During those early months with a newborn, i was constantly searching blogs and forums for info on certain topics that applied to us in that moment. I truly believe that when they say "It takes a village to raise a child" that includes moms across the google and internets sharing all the knowledge they can to help a mama out!